Mama Update: (Day 32) Prayers Brighten Dark Days

This update is from Wayne Kitchens:

Update on Bonnie Spencer Kitchens.

I’m not going to lie to y’all. Yesterday was a dark day for me. A year ago my son went home to be with Jesus. But, even on this dark day, the sun still shines through brightly. Bonnie started the day picking out what she wanted to wear. She ate a good breakfast, brushed her teeth and was ready to take on the day. Speech therapy shows up for her appointment and off she goes, for another adventurous and challenging day at the Shepherd Center. Her first session takes her to some speech excercise, which she still strughles with, and on to art and recreation, where she does some painting. She chose the subject she wanted to paint, the brush and the colors she wants to use. All appropriate for the subject. She proceeds to do a way better job than I could ever do left handed! She came back to the room, ate a good lunch and was off again to physical therapy, where they repeated a walking test that she did last week and was able to get herself in and out of her wheelchair easier, she walked, still with the help of the therapists, over twice as far and better than on the original test day, with both the shopping cart AND hand rail along the hall. She had 2 more successful therapy sessions and ended the day with a good nap and dinner and a couple of games of connect 4 and Jenga. She “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” several times.. each time more clearly than the last. She helps more actively with her transfers in and out of bed and her chair, changing clothes and, pretty much, every other activity of the day. Your thoughts and prayers not only helped me through a heavy and dark day, but helped lighten that day with an awesome day for Bonnie! Your prayers were working double time and paid off handsomely! THANK YOU ALL, for the continued thoughts and prayers. I want you to know they are working. Thank you all for “Hunkering Down” with Bonnie!!!

Wayne Kitchens

Husband of Bonnie Kitchens


Mama Update: (Day 38) Determined


Mama Update: (Day 30) Hunker Down