I Wanna be Rich!

What would it be like to be independently wealthy? And I don’t just mean a nice house that’s paid for and a boat. That IS wealthy to me. But what would it be like to have the lifestyle of Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk? What would it be like to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, and not worry about the cost? What would it be like to make a big purchase and not check the bank account first? It sounds like hedonistic freedom…or maybe, just the American dream.

Last Sunday (listen/watch the sermon here), we discussed one of the tougher questions of Jesus, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Matthew 16:26 NIV) The way in which Jesus asks the question leads us to answer, “it would be NO good to gain the world yet lose my soul.” And I think most believers would agree…in theory. Of course, I don’t want to lose my soul to the dark side and eventually spend an eternity separated from God. That’s insane!


I struggle to fall asleep at night as my mind races on how I’m going to pay my credit card bill this month. And when I climb out of bed in the morning, my first thought is to grab my phone and check the local news, any messages, then scroll through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see how other folks are living their best life and what I might be missing out on. I’ll drop the kids off at school and then start listening to a podcast that might make me a better, more successful person as I ponder about different ways to make some extra cash to buy that new grill. Oh…right…Jesus. I was supposed to talk to him this morning. I’ll catch up with him if I get a free moment in the office.

Maybe you are more disciplined than me? Maybe all you do is think about Jesus? Maybe you never think about money, or stuff, or bills, or the news, or social media? But my guess is, you think of something/someone more than you think of Jesus. The lesson I hear in the gospels is that Jesus is my savior, my Lord, and my king. And I believe that. But the way I think, worry, and live…you’d think my king is the American dream: a life of personal freedom, a pursuit of pleasure & comfort, and all the stuff I can get without the financial worry.

  • I chase harder after personal independence than toward personal surrender.

  • I look for more ways to live comfortably, rather than opportunities to suffer.

  • I am constantly looking for life hacks and ways to better myself, rather than completely trusting in my king.

By all appearances, I’m trying to gain the whole world, while potentially losing my very soul.

Am I trying to lose my soul?!? Of course not!
Am I swept up into the current of the American dream? Yes.

The words of Jesus paraphrased in Matthew 16: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade for your soul?” (Matthew 16:24-26 MSG)

I don't want to trade anything for my soul. This week has been one of repentance for me. The first few days have been wrestling with God about His will being done, and not mine. I’m longing to surrender my preferences and my wants to the one who gave his life and his all for me. If he is my king, then I really need to re-order some priorities and allegiances. I want to be rich, but not how America, or the world, defines rich. As I pour myself out at the feet of King Jesus, I pray his immeasurable and priceless Spirit fills me to overflowing. That is a miraculous and divine transaction. And he promises that (Matt. 10:39). So, my focus and prayer this week is…he must increase…I must decrease.

Won’t you join me in that prayer?


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